Hey guys,

Just to share a thought here.

I got Colton recently, now in lvl 16.

I have to say this pet is a real steroid pump for Attacking Mage. So so so powerful

Happiness bonus is already the best for Attacking Mage ( I supposed), my damage with Colton is now 166.6, DPS 187.4. Pretty high huh. (with Watch's gun of course)

Passive attack is in line with Mage spirit for "potential" AOE. However, the best part is the Arcane ability for I think, so crazily good...

Mage already have a killer feature, stacking up layers of DOT. If you activate Colton's Arcane ability - 15% crit for ALL ALLIES within range for 6 seconds, OMG, my screen is full of "critical signs"!!.. All the crits for DOT, and enemies just died in seconds. If you apply nicely, all members are on Steroids! I can't believe my observation here. Am I wrong somewhere? Please immediately correct me if I am wrong here!

Anyway, simply said "Hell yeah!" I love you Colton. 1-2 millions? It might worth it!

Happy playing to all mage!

p.s.: the only limitation? yes, the range. That's why I said, apply nicely, the range is limited.