I would just like to make a few things clear just in case you all were wondering.

1. You shouldn't rush. Rushing is bad and makes the game no fun for anyone. Would you want someone to rush you? No, so don't rush!

2. I am probably the best bird in PL after Ephasius. He's definitely the best bird. Third best is Hanaoxo.

3. End game is all about dodge and takes no skill at all!

4. Forgotten bows are not fair and they ruin pvp. Don't use them! If you use them, I'll rush you!

5. The new classes are under powered! Why can't sts fix this? It's like I've been waiting my whole life and they still haven't fixed the new classes.

6. (Insert name here) is a noob! Worst player in Pocket Legends.

7. Gf.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I just wanted to make sure you guys knew these things because not many threads have been made about these topics yet...

Lol, goodnight, y'all! (Hope you got a good laugh)