Quote Originally Posted by Chickenrunnn View Post
Players trade ? useless?

What about giving mana/hp pots? what about in-pve pots items lending? What about selling items without taxes?

TRades are really important, even if many players use it to scam.. That's why you need to be careful of what you're trading because all the players aren't nice.

About the chat feature, you could do this :

If the same sentence composed of 2words+ is exactly repeated more than 5 times in less than 1min30, a 5 minutes mute
Fair enough...it's just not a feature of the game that is important to me. I don't trade with ppl except through the CS. If there were no player to player trades there would be no need to spam the same thing over and over. Far too many ppl to mute every single one of them. But, its just my opinion. Didn't want to upset you all!