I was playing today for a few hours and I have to say that the nerf they did to that warrior proc was definitely noticeable to me. I actually took down a couple of warriors 1-on-1. Maybe they weren't top geared warriors, but it's a first for me. They just weren't able to stun me in the same way they did previously. I still think sorcerers are at a disadvantage, but not as much as before. In one case I was able to run circles around the warrior and take him down, and in another case he chased me but was not able to stun me, so as he chased me I ran and kept unloading on him until finally he stopped chasing me -- then I knew he was probably running low on health so I turned around and chased him and after a couple of more hits he died. This is the first time I have been able to do this more than once in a single game. Obviously if balancing is right then it should happen 50% of the time I am confronted with a warrior 1-on-1. But it's a start. I think next they have to nerf the warriors healing just a bit, as the really top geared warriors seem to be able to heal faster than I can damage them.