I have posted in one of the thread where people are experiencing lag issues. In the post, i mentioned that the lag issues is recently and it had never happened before (when i levelled all 3 characters to level 21). After analyzing, I strongly believed it has to do with one of the updates. Few explanations I can think of:

They downgraded their server (which cannot sustain the current numberr of players)
There is a sudden injection of large number of new players (which the servers overload)
They shifted their servers elsewhere or underground (a bit far fetched)

But after backtracking through all the updates thread and putting on my thinking cap, I have come to a conclusion that is logical to me. The problem lies in the elixirs timer counting down even when the players are logged off. If there are hundred thousands players with free elixirs counting down at the same time even if they are logged off, it will put more weight in the servers. Tombs are the areas with the most lag because most players use their elixirs in there to level up and probably lots would have logged off from there with their elixirs still running. Not discounting the possibility of that.

A developer could look into this.

PS: I am quite into troubleshooting so that is my perspective.