Quote Originally Posted by Lethalknight View Post
Now I am stuck here. First of all, who ever decide the update u SUCKKKK. I spend all the time, effort and money on this game. If I saw this game after this stupid update I wouldnt bother to play it for 1 day . Now the power is not balanced not in PVE nor PVP. How can I pve now without a mage stick to my butt. Without a mage I will have to use pots all time. Seriously, whats the role of warrior now. Warrior cant tank with 1200 armor thats if u have the best of the best gear WHICH NOT EVERYONE CANT AFFORD. Warrior cant pvp because they are so easy targets for rogue. I am wandering did you really played the game. Or at least test it before u release this update. The only thing keeping me here is because my money that I spent here + the countless hours. I wont spend one single cent on this game anymore.
Quote Originally Posted by Hiosahaf View Post
Warriors use up a lot of mana. And when I have a weak party in any realm, I'm the one doing stuff and I end up using 30 pots in one go. This results in quite a huge monetary loss. Plus, in PvP, Vengeful blood quickly restored the mana and that was really helpful when you're running low in mana after a fight. I agree with Lethal that we spend a lot of gold in this game. And it takes a lot of time to earn it. I've never bought stuff either from the store with plat so its even harder for me.
My point is, what was the need of changing Vengeful Blood in the first place!? It was perfect! Nobody had asked to change it. The new weapons are so expensive that only the rich people can afford it while I have just 30K and my mighty vorpal sword of assault is better than anything available in that price range.
So please STS guys, if you're reading this, do consider our case!!
Actually the rogues and sorc players complained about the vengeful blood. They're to blame!