Quote Originally Posted by Yich View Post
Not too long ago the forgotten items were released. Then halloween items. Both discontinued. When I asked for forg bows to be nerfed, many argued that the bows put the new players on an equal level as the seasoned twinks as far as gear is concerned. Perhaps that is a contributing factor as to why they werent nerfed, and if it was, something needs done. Forg items will slowly rise in price to the point that they are impossible for now players to obtain. Same thing with hween items. This makes it even worse for new players than it was for them when they had to use a talon to fight my SBL (oh boo hoo, I can freeze you). New players who cant afford a forgotten bow would surely quit PvP and possibly the game. So for anyone who says forg bows make everyone equal, where is your argument now? Perhaps they just made YOU equal.

Anyways, there needs to be items to balance out the forg bows or they need re released so they arent unobtainable to the masses of new players that get farmed by the regulars with forg items. If anyone thought that new players had it bad because of "OP" xmas items, why do so few think the same about these forg items? Everyone seems to have forgotten the noobies now that theyre on top with their forg bow. Then again, wut do I care, Im playing League of Legends anyway.

Nerf the forg.

Well I'm not afraid to admit that I once thought that Forgotten Bows' release would make new players happy, but I am now enlightened by your post. Very well said, I hope STS nerf them too.


P.S - LoL is awesome!