Quote Originally Posted by Shadowstar View Post
I know what is dps and dmg, high dps means high dmg every strike from your regualar attack. Dmg is how much dmg the skills will do. Tho the oracle gun has good dps, it only does push proc. I use the staffs cuz of the proc. So far it seems captain staff is good.
What's so good about the captain's staff proc that's worth sacrificing (a considerable amount of) skill dmg for? Isn't that the staff that has a chance to reduce hit% for a couple of seconds? If so, personally I think it's a pretty worthless proc to have for elite farming. The only staff currently in game that I think has a proc that's really worth it, is the kraken skewer.

Furthermore, for PvE elite runs, the horrible range of staffs and the mechanics of how they work (always fires in the direction you're facing), would already be enough reason for me to go for a gun instead.