Very excellent thread, Crim! It is really great to read someone who takes things logically, rationally, and realistically.

There is one little detail I'd like to point out, though. I believe you are somewhat misled about the pumpkin chunker. While at first I, as well, thought I'd be able to kite forgotten bows with the chunker, that turns out not to be the case. For some reason, when I am retreating from my enemy trying to keep their forgotten bow out of range, they are still able to shoot me. Believe me, I've tried this many, many times and it simply doesn't work. To be honest I'm still not exactly sure why but I've got two guesses.

1. I have reason to believe that your range slightly increases when advancing on your opponent. Likewise, I'm fairly certain that your range decreases while retreating from your opponent. Say what you will about this idea, but I've done a lot of testing and it does seem to be the case.

2. The forgotten bow does, in fact, have the same range as the chunker. Obviously your picture sort of debunked this idea, but are you positive you did the testing right?

Anyways, great thread! I honestly wish the new Halloween and forgotten bows never came to this game. It seems to me that when there's a problem with a new powerful weapon, the solution isn't to add more weapons of equal or similar power, but rather to just fix that one new weapon. There are a lot of useless items and sets out there now due to these events.