Quote Originally Posted by Battlegrinder:1047545
Quote Originally Posted by Cahaun View Post
I think one thing that brought this last expansion as a bit lacking was the absence of shields for the newest pistols, and we haven't had any new ones for two caps now so it's kinda bad for engineers who get the one handed level 46 engineer weapons in the token quests while the operatives and commandos get two handed ones. There were just small things here and there that were annoying, but I do think that they were (sort of) improving at making memorable bosses and unique hazards along the routes.
Doesn't the engineer item have the same armor boost that the rest of the class weapons do? I don't remember if it does, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to engineer equipment.

I'm kinda on the fence about the lack of shields. On the one hand, I'm glad that they were removed because it forced people to use class weapons and actually think about their loadouts instead of just going "Moar DPS = Better weapon" (though I do still see the occasional holdout still pistol+shielding his/her way through the level). On the other hand, I'm no longer able to buy high level class weapons for a song like I was in the pre-Crusade era.
I'll go check again real quick on the engineer handgun real quick. I think the lack of a new shield brought it below the others if I can remember.