Yea i saw them and was jealous of the lvl 1 forerunner she is wearing , and a lvl1 filthy rich XS
Its an alt...thats easy
Credits to Iady
He's my buddy. He's awesome!
Ok Well im just jelous now.. xD
Level one easy
I find this thread nonsense. Sorry.
"disable xp gain"
You repeat the tutorial at the begining. If I recall correctly it gives you kills without getting xp. I think there was someone in season one who kill farmed like this as a level one and then ran around with a lvl16 banner. lolz...
haha that would've p.o.ed some of those who capped. idk wats the point of this as u need so many kills to get on lb.
Seriously 100k kills at level 1 -.-
You get 4 kills everytime u do tutorial, how many friggin times do u have to reset, jezuz