Quote Originally Posted by MoarPewPew View Post
Yes I understand it can be used for bragging rights but the pure intention is, how can I improve.

This also allows the gamers to see what items or class are a better fit for them. I'm sure the classes do different damage out put, and this will allow a player to see what is there right fit.

Rotation of skills can also come to effect. Maximizing dps.

Last I would add is since players can join dungeons in progress that I why I put time spent in dungeons so you can not simply say" I'm better than you" by having more kills than another who has spent less time in that dungeon.

Finally this could give a reason to kick a person after one dungeon if they are not up to par.
yep i get the other reason just put bragging right for the joke
id really like to see this. couldnt be that hard, i dont think...