Quote Originally Posted by Seminole View Post
You guys dont get it. Pocket legends brings no revenue compared to arcane. The TOP MAIN reason is vanity sets. Who in their right mind wants to wait three level caps just to be at a fair advantage with everyone else. Who wants to go up against founder helms? While all you top hanchos think it doesnt make a difference, it does. I have fought these issues so many times without any support from any of you. Now this is the end result. If you were a starting player, and i told you that you can play arcane legends and be at a fair playing field with every other player right from the start, or you can play pocket legends and be at a disadvantage for the next 2-5 years(without even factoring in founders helm), what game would you pick?

However sts loves you guys so much they are letting us keep the bonus, even with all the reprucussions. Its a done deal. All my predictions have come true and i honestly believe while devs may show some love every once in a while, they ultimately will neglect this game due to the lack of new players and player support.

With my full vanity toons, I would totally love to make some rhino/foxs with a fair chance in pvp. However i find it to stressful to wait three caps for this. Therefore i just play arcane legends. While all you hardcore pocket legend fans have made yourself rhino/fox classes, the majority of players dont want to go through the hassle.(pocket legends makes the most money from people capping to END GAME) This means less revenue. This will be a cycle for the rest of eternity.

Hard for me to explain this, but i hope everyone gets what im trying to say.less revnue= no game fixing.

Think about buying a brand new call of duty game, only to find out half the players have a hugee advantage over you(health, damage, etc) and you have to wait 2-5 years before you have a chance. I would defintely return the game asap to the owner, no way i would wait two years.
Hmm I agree that it does ultimately come to down to money in the end. If I had a wife and kids to feed, I'd probably be investing in AL as well. But do you really think that the sole reason for PL decline are the vanities at end game? Don't get me wrong. I don't have the vanities either and I know about the disadvantage that you speak of. However, I don't know if this is the single thing that has brought PL down.