Quote Originally Posted by Cahaun View Post
Sonic Boom, Protection, or Force Field for engineers
The shield breaks when you trip over a flower and the Sonic Boom has a ridiculously large amount of cooldown for an AoE skill such as it is. Protection was good in the beta as the engineers could've stacked the skill into a pretty awesome effect, but they can't anymore and the armor buff now is majorly low compared to the armor ratings that we are at right now.

Growing Mass is the worst for Commandos
Its buff lasts only a few seconds for an armor buff that is slowly becoming irrelevant to the higher level areas like the protection skill. It needs longer duration and a better buff if we are to have a good tanking skill as it was meant to be.

Operatives have pretty flashy skills that all are pretty good, but the skill that just slows down the enemies is the least useful of the bunch. It's very situational, and it's only good against melee enemies which make up very little in the game. Even the vular and miners have lots of ranged enemies shooting at you with their acids or cannons. The only other good place for it would be at the shipyard boss fight when you are trying to get the mobs away from the panel. (Even then, Lurch reigns supreme in that category)

All the skills need to be looked at and modified to level up just like the players. The damages on the skills are just too small and barely noticeable on the mobs that we have now. We used to consider our skill load outs and use strategy in our decisions. Now we just Spam hundreds of skills into a single mob, without thinking, and the skills are losing value IMO. Skills should kill faster than the primary weapon while at the expense of the power reserve. This will take some balancing, but the one we have right now is not good. Soon our skills are not even going to dent the level 66 mobs.
I hope there is a way to level up these skill more further at next level caps