If only Ribbt and Slag just gave the stat boost and not gave you 50% crit when you buff them.
IMO if you want to run with Ribbit please don't use it's buff, it is super anooying when you go for a kill and they just crit you out. You see them after the match is over and thier HP is only around 1,8k whilst their DMG is like 145-_-
As for Slag, I gotta say it's even more anooying. Say you're fighting in Group and all of the 10 players are using Slag there is no game at all, just simply see who can stun the most. Also metting a rouge 1v1 and you know you're winning, (they usually throw medic packs) and they buff slag, you are stunned for about 2 seconds (or so it feels) and then they can just go berserk on you.
NOT fair game IMO.
If STS made it so you only could use pets for their sts buff it'd be great, because I still run with good ol' Malison.