I was told it was coming back next week, and to check forums. When I checked I saw nothing, but is it true the forg even is coming back next week?
I was told it was coming back next week, and to check forums. When I checked I saw nothing, but is it true the forg even is coming back next week?
Always check insider info, if its not there then no
I was hopin there was a frog event
They probably are not goin to re release it. Hopefully they just make new event . I lose mula of re release . But it ok
I would love a pet frog
Different color frogs... Hmmm I'd buy one
They should add frogs hats like hooch hats to the swamps gives us something to hunt . It's getting boringggg
i have a little frog, i keep it in my pocket so it will never leave me
Quick! Staring contest...
Green frog bows.
99% of the things people tell you in-game aren't true.
PL: Seucheky
SL: McBain
DL: ArethaFanglin
AL: McBain, Seucheky
I want a pet frog though, while we are waiting. =O
...frogs ._.
Jcyee: 76 PL Bear | 41 AL Warrior | 36 DL Vampire
PL:Xxkoopyxx~Xpertfarmer~Avianftw~Ithepvptwink~ Expertfarmer~Gratuity~Theaviantwink~Bearocalypsed~ Tehmagetwink~Tehbeartwink~Koopymerch+more AL:Thepvptwink~Xxkoopyxx~Ithepvptwink SL: Thepvptwink DL: Thepvptwink
^I think Lwmark wants like frog vanity hats, lol ^.^
Does lw still play pl? I thought he only lurked forums. That's what I was told at least
Lol, Description: A Bow that Shoot Frogs!
Judgementals, Retired Officer of Rated M.
Oh crap!! Amphibians!!!