Hey guys,

I'm another new recruit to the world of AL. Been playing for a couple of days now and loving it, already sunk a bit of money to hopefully help me to progress to the higher levels a bit faster..

I'm a level 19 Rogue currently just running Dungeons over and over again to get some XP and maybe a few nice drops!

I'm mainly here to say HI as i'm enjoying the game so much i'll probably stick around for a bit. I'm also on the look out for any people who would be interesting in playing with me or inviting me to a guild. I would prefer a small close set of friends to play with instead of a guild with 100s of people in it.

Hopefully will find a few friends to play with and learn some more of the ropes around here.

I'm 23, and a games designer living in the UK.
IGN: Azifriosat

