Well I'm the type of person who happens to like to win arguments (but there's times where you have to back out). When I meet people like that, I explain their stupidity to them, like a slap in the face. They start insulting my parents? I just tell them they're frustrated and mention my family members which had nothing to do with the conversation because they can't prove any valid points. At that point the offenders usually say, "Shut up nerd stupid smart (insert nono word here)." I just give them the ol "" and mute after that. It takes practice. (; But the easiest way is to just mute them. Add my IGNs. If you ever want tips on your class (except rhino.. I know a few fox tricks), PM me in game. Hope you see the game for it's better people. Don't let the offenders get to you because they have low self esteem (or maybe too high of one that they become egotistical). Good luck on your Pocket Legends adventure!