The way I roll with them is either
1) Act like m lagging. Not moving anywhere. 10sec ltr, exit to menu. Then play again like normal.
2) They want gold, give them gold. 1gold is enough for them to live.
3) "Give me gold sir" , "no", "pls", "no". If it continues. They are stubborn and do the first two methods

I dont like beggars. They are not putting any efforts like most of us did. We at least had fun making gold in runs. They just want instant money. Some funny beggars come to us with no clothes or rings and amulets and ask for items. Ohh hell yeah im gonna give you items poor boy. -.- heres smelly helm. Wash it first before wearing. And 5min ltr, poof. That smelly helm tirned into a legendary helm. Wow a magician.