Hey guys! A new contest is here, sponsored and hosted by the EXTREME BOSS SLAYERS!
(this contest is for ebs members only)
We want you to create your own super-villain! We're looking for a few things in our villains:
1) Name
2) Gender (note: doesn't have to be male/female ;D)
3) Age
4) Weapons/Powers
5) Evil Plot
6) Nemesis (the hero)
7) Their Backstory (tell us their history, how did they become a villain?)
8) A Drawing or Representation of your villain
The prizes for this contest are:
1st place: 30k
2nd place: 20k
3rd place: 10k
And will be voted on by fellow members of EBS and other forumers.
We love to see your creativity! You have 1 week to enter your villain, then we won't accept your template (sorry),
That means Tuesday, July 2nd at 3:15 pm EST! Get cracking!
Sent using spray paint on the city walls.