Quote Originally Posted by FluffNStuff View Post
This is an insanely amazing resource, and THANK YOU!! I can stop checking all the updates to see when ~that~ happened. Thought it was just a 'when will next update be'! One thing, do have to agree with keikali that a descending timeline would be more natural, since the more current status would be on top. Either way though, AWESOME!!!!

Okay good Idea, indeed. I will work later on this today, without screwing up something - hopefully.
Anyone knows a trick on MS word how to switch the order of strings/lines? Because this could take somewhat long I believe.

Quote Originally Posted by Alhuntrazeck View Post
Ohhhh yay its a sticky! Now you have one more achievement to add to ur growing list doc!

Sent using clouds on a light blue sky.
There is not much left.