Quote Originally Posted by InternalNinja:1181193
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowstar View Post
Its same with your Vacoule. It takes practice and time to get good.
You can't just lvl, get gear, and expect to be good (except maybe in endgame lmao)
Which class is the hardest at 35?
Who's the best at each class?
bears and maybe burds hardest. Str bears are hard (copperhead) I think.
Mage is easiest. But for all class you still need practice.
Theres no real best, but if I would choose "good", then in mages, pollasauce, zapokey, idk others.
Bird: idk..ive seen a ton, maybe Floatsjr? O.o
Bear: IDK
Note, those r ppl who r good, idk about best.