Quote Originally Posted by Thatkidoverthere:1192827
Quote Originally Posted by Walkhardd View Post
You should look into e-cigs. (not the crappy ones from the liquor store)

I was close to 2 packs a day and tried everything to quit, as well. If you get yourself a decent vaping set up, it will make cigs taste like absolute butt. Plus, you'll make your money back in a week. If you don't like it, throw it out and buy a pack of smokes.

The cool thing is you can lower your nicotine intake as you go. I started at 18mg, (pretty high) and I'm all the way down to 6. (low)

I'm working and on mobile, so can't really posts links. There's lots of good info on Reddit, though. (I know you're an old timer. Have you heard of it?) Search e_cigarettes there.
When you say crappy ones from the liquor store, do you mean the Blu electronic cigarettes? The time I tried those, I dont remember them being too crappy. Then to see if I could, I tried to quit cold turkey...DID NOT WORK! It was the crappiest 6 hrs of my life...
I started with blu's. Yes, they suck. It's not so much the quality that's bad, it's the value. Plus they say one cartomizer is equivalent to a pack of smokes. Which is BS.

Google ego twist. Those are good to start off with. Evod starter kits, too.

I'm using an itaste svd for when I'm home, and an itaste mvp for when I'm at work, if you wanted to check those out.