Quote Originally Posted by Neffy View Post
I'm not quite sure if you're positive on what you're saying. Assuming you have the utmost best gear possible for your build and stats and also assuming you have a ton of potions and knowledge of the game, go ahead and get fully-prodded up and go solo each Blacksmoke Mountain run. Post a video with your proof of soloing each and I'll believe you once it happens.

The reason you have an easy time is because, I'm assuming, you're running with at least a sem-filled party and are experienced with it. Each toon is built differently and serves a different purpose. Nuke mages, support mages, str mages, dex mages, str bears, dex bears, warbears, int bears, hybrid bears, dex birds, warbirds, hybrid birds, etc, are all used for different things and depending on how your party is composed, determines how easy or difficult such a dungeon will be. Solo all of the BSM dungeons in a single go with any build you'd prefer with a fully-bought endgame set, perfect vanities, potions, and stat setup, and I'll believe there's no challenge in PL's PvE system. Go.
A lot has changed in 2 and a half years.