Hello forumers, this is my
almost complete guide on slashes, the lazy way to do stuff
Also, this is my first guide so hope i'll make more!
What is slash / ?
Slashes are the easy way to do things.
They can help you in your guild, help with social things, and even give you your coordinates!
A way to tell what all slashes do is to type / or /help into the chat box
On the left side, in bold you will see what you should type, (and do what the parenthesis say)
And on the right side it is what you will see as the STS version, if you just type / into your chatbox
NOTE: Make sure everything is spelled correct and spaces are correct
/a Accountreward reward_id
/b (type name here) (type reason here) boot target_name reason
Boot someone from your party
/f (type name here) friend target_name
Friend someone
/g (type message) guildchat <message>
Talk to all members of your guild
/guildcreate <name of your guild> guildcreate
Create your guild
/guilddemote (name) guilddemote
Demote a person in your guild (only allowed of master)
/guildhall guildhall
/guildinvite (name of person) guildinvite <target>
Invite someone to your guild
/guildjoin (name of guild) guildjoin <guild name>
Join a guild (you have to have been invited to one)
/guildkick (name) guildkick
Kick someone from your guild (must be officer or master)
/guildleave guildleave
Leave the guild you are currently in
/o (message) officer
Type message for only officers to see (have to be officer in guild)
/guildonline guildonline
It will tell you your guild name, all the members names' that are online, and how many members are online
/guildpromote (name) guildpromote
Promote someone in your guild (must be a master)
/guildtransferleadership (name) guildtransferleadership
Transfer the leadership of your guild (must be master)
Choose wisely because you probably will not get your guild back unless you know them
/guilddisband guilddisband
Disband your guild
Make the right decision, you might want to transfer leadership
/h hidefullgames
When you click join game you will not see full games
/help also
/ not in the help..cuz it is help
Master control; tells you all the slashes
/host hostinfo
Find out who is hosting the current game (not to use in towns)
Remember: Not always a host
/l location
Find the location (coordinates) of your character, (0,0) should be around where you start
/p (enter code) promocode code
This is how you enter promo codes! See Chickenrunnn's guide here:
/r (message) reply message
Reply to the last PM (personal message) from another player
/report (name) (reason) report target_name
Report someone but make sure you have a good reason.
Make sure you don't spam-report, STS will take care of it
/reportchat target_name
/reservecharactername (game) (name) reservecharactername game_name
Reserve your name for a new STS game (Star, Dark, Arcane Legends)
/s showfullgames
When you click join game, you will see full games
/skiptutorial skiptutorial
Skip the tutorial in the beginning of the game (when you create a new character)
/t (name) (message) tell who message
Talk to someone without having to click on them
/team (message) team message
Tell all the players on your team something and the other team won't see (only in pvp and ctf)
/trade (name) trade target_name
Trade with someone
/tutorialreset tutorialreset
Reset the tutorial in the beggining of creating a new character
/w who
Tells you who is in your current map
Please leave comments or suggestions or corrections, or if you know the unknown ones, please tell