Quote Originally Posted by Pandamoni View Post
Maybe this has been mentioned before and the reason may have been explained--if so, forgive me--but I can't figure out why we need to be able to click on a toon or pet during a run and pull up the option menu. I have died a number of times, or missed out on quickly killing the necromancer during an elite run due to accidentally pulling up my pet's menu or accidentally opening a trade menu with one of the fellow players on the run with me.

Is there a reason we can click on them during a run? You can't during pvp. I'd much rather only be able to access the menu by clicking the name in the upper left corner (like in PL).

Please tell me I'm not theOnly one being driven crazy by this.
You're not alone. My friends are used to it, but every once in awhile they get a whisper from me "aaaaa" or "wwwww" - because I click on their toon and then send a message accidentally while using the W, A, S and D keys to move around It should be a check box in options to disable. Thanks for posting the suggestion!