Quote Originally Posted by Ellyidol View Post
First problem I see is no bird, thats 70 armor that you could have taken off when his shield is down. Not to mention the bird damage debuff.

War mage is a pally or a dexchantress? Either way, after rebalance update both don't do as much dps anymore. Furthermore with tanks, they do even less DPS now.

We were able to do it by just one mage with aggro running around til his shield drops, spike him, rinse repeat. One of us had a damage elixir but we were all in laser wands.
I forgot birds have armor break! I'll have to add that to the mix next time. We had one character that wasn't really apart of our group and was filled with random people as we went, and it seemed general consensus that it hasn't taken them that long to kill him. One guy said he had already killed him 3 times this evening. He couldn't figure out why it was taking so long either.

It was a pally. I don't really miss the DPS either. Before playing and just seeing the numbers I was a little upset at first, but after playing I think it balances things out. With skills higher and more important, it seems to speed up the game (when you aren't playing the keeper lol) and require more attention and skill than auto-attack did.

Quote Originally Posted by Bigsleazy View Post
Are you saying you need a balanced party and a good strategy to beat bosses? What a strange idea....
Just the opposite. I happen to like the update.