Quote Originally Posted by Apollo:1248571
Quote Originally Posted by Serenina View Post
I played my last TDM on Lvl 31 yesterday. I do not have a single mythic item, but high-end legendary gear.
So I met two random wars from the opponent team and fought them like I always do against warris: Charged normal-charge hp-aimed-nox-shadow piercer. And then I noticed I was out of mana after a few seconds (?)...haha. Okay...so I ran to the mana station and refilled it.
To cut a long story short: It seems like to kill one random war takes about 75% of your mana at Level 31.
That has to be fixed as soon as I reach the new level cap.
IMO, it does make sense for an average rogue to lose to an average warrior, just as a pro rogue should lose to a pro warrior. Why? They have all that armor and health to absorb your damage! The object for them is to let you waste your "arrows" (mana) until you're empty so they can move in for the kill. Otherwise, what's the point of them to PvP? To tank and still die?

P.S: Not calling you average, never seen you play!
No, that doesnt justify how much damage a fully maxed rogue does to a maxed warrior. Rogues do less damage than they did last season.

I tested with inkredble and he had 2k armor. Now I hit 500 dmg on a CHARGED aimed shot, thats not right, my L21 hits harder to a tank. The most I did to ink was 800 damage (after stacking -30% armor debuff!!).