If I spend 45 minutes carefully pointing out all the reasons why this is right, and all you can come back with is that Joe Blow charged you 450K for your megablaster, then I think you should examine your motives. You aren't seeking a better game, you just want the 450K you spent to be worthwhile. You should not have spent that gold. Nobody made you spend it. The farmers got theirs by rushing, which is cheating. If you paid a farmer that much gold for the result of their cheating, then that was your choice.

When the next campaign comes out it will be as useless as a Ryylox Blaster.

Plus, I thought you played MMOs a lot. Certainly this is not the first time you've seen a nerf.

What about the important points I made, about fantasy and sci-fi, about invincibility, about donkeys and carrots and player motivation. Let's just ignore all that. It's all about the fifteen people in the entire game with megablasters who got them by cheating or by paying a cheater an outrageous chunk of gp. Yes, by all means, this game should remain totally unbalanced because a few people participated in some dubious anti-game, anti-balanced activities... not!