Please extend. Many many people dont get paid till next week. +1this please if anyone agrees.
I'm having a hard time purchasing plat. It says. "In app purchase disabled" trying to figure out how to buy from the sts store.
Samhayne, i already contacted you guys through e-mail.
I have bought a whole lot of plat on last tuesday to find me a samael egg, which i did btw.
But now i feel a kind of screwed. I still bought a lot of new plat this weekend, who wouldnt really, but can there be some kind of compensation?
This weekend wasnt announced or i would definitly have waited before buying plats for the full price.
I hope you can let me know something through the game or pm or something.
I know you have done some sort of refund before, so i was hoping to get the same, in plats of course.
I bought platinum with this sale, please now bring back ripmaw or at least new pets so I can spend my Plat on something I like....
Thank You