Quote Originally Posted by afrobug View Post
Crate hunters in normal brackenridge who doesn't wait for the others and those who don't kill the last mob to spawn.
That's why you can solo it

My list:
1. Scammers
2. People that think they're the king/queen of the world because of their gear and gold, yet they don't realize it's all just pixels and digits.
3. People that send random friend requests. I tell them "don't ask me for gold". *Next day later* "Can I have 10,000 gold please?"
4. People that just don't stop sending out random party invites
5. People that rip-off (i.e., selling copper chest for 1k!)
6. People that speak in foreign languages
7. People that complain about opening hundreds of crates but getting nothing valuable
8. The Rogue that always uses Shadow Storm Shot in PvP, but doesn't use Aimed Shot
9. That selfish Warrior that only heals when they are low on health
10. That selfish Warrior that has heal but no shield
11. That selfish Warrior that doesn't have heal because he's in a party of one Rogue and two Sorcerers, all with heal
12. The Sorcerer that scatters mobs
13. The idiot that starts the Hauntlet when there are only one or two people there
14. The one that starts a contest but doesn't end it
15. The people that run away from bosses to regain health, letting the boss reset
16. The "friends" that ask for help in Skull Cove when they're lvl 14
17. Beggars
18. The swearers in PvP
19. The one that complains they got ganged when they came to us
20. The one that leaves spawn and gets chased back in, then complains they were spawn rushed

Could add more, but it's long enough....