Quote Originally Posted by Gragorak:1282581
Quote Originally Posted by Ruizhe
Tim Cook(CEO of apple) said that more people use iOS than any other smartphone/tablet Operating system.
So it would be obvious more people would use iOS. Therefore making it obvious developers should create games for iOS. As it is a very commonly used software. Therefore they make more money.

As you can see, Android's market share is 79.3%, while iOS has market share of 13.2%. Your argument is invalid.

Quote Originally Posted by Ruizhe
Another reason:
(Excluding iOS7, more people on iDevices use the latest iOS software so it makes it easier for developers to create apps compatable to a wider range of people.

Android (and no offense to android lovers)
Has fewer people running the latest android software which makes it more difficult for devs. To make apps because they must consider the limited features of earlier OSs.
There are way more devices with newest android versions (4.0 and newer) than there are with any iOS version. Who forces app developers to support old Android versions? Most new quality games are only for versions 4.0 and newer. Even pocket legends doesn't support old Android versions (2.3 and newer are supported).

The reason why casual game developers prefer iOS over Android is that iOS users are ready to pay for their apps, while Android owners expect everything (especially casual games) to be free. That's why iOS apps are generally more profitable for developers.
I watched the apple keynote and wwdc video.
That might just be the apple side of stuff. I don't bother looking in statistics