Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
We understand that you have tried. Also, I believe that forum members did respect and acknowledge your view. We also took the time to tell you why this suggestion would not work. I did not see any insulting or name-calling going on, did you?

It was a very civil debate. The only thing that I would think is borderline offensive is when you made the generalization that mythic players must have played until their eyes dry up and fall out in order to obtain the gear that they have obtained. Still, those that you insulted were civil and remained composure.

The fact of the matter is, no matter what MMO you play, if you want to go endgame PvP, you will be expected to have the best gear. You see it in MMOs like WoW and Runescape. So, what do the people do that do not have the best gears but still want to PvP? They PvP at lower levels. In AL, you have the exact same option. Also, keep in mind that L16+ twinks still have the option to fight with 4 skills. So, in reality, the only thing that would have been taken out from the equation is the mythic gears.

Just some food for thought,

I sincerely thank you for your helpfulness through this entire process. I was not personally offended or insulted by anything anyone wrote. I was simply stating that I feel like people did not really see things through my perspective. As I've stated before, I'm not anti-mythic. It's great that people work hard for their gear. They deserve to use it.

I appreciate people's suggestions about directing me towards twinking, but really, I feel like that is circumventing the issue. When an end-game player with enough finances, like you or myself, makes a twink that is geared with all of the best equipment, it breaks the system for those low level players who legitimately are lvl 10-16. Especially if those players have no other alternate accounts and no significant means of funding them to have all the best gear, the way we can for our twinks, we are ruining PvP for them.

I guess I am just trying to look at the big picture here. Sure, I am not going to get my way, but I want to bring awareness that our actions as the "big wigs" at end game level are also impacting the experience of those at the opposite end of the spectrum, who are just starting out, and may not have the means to compete the way we can.