i like thoughts of this thread bout friendship can you be my friends?scoobiedoo(eos)
Spart, i need to agree here.
But the only logical way to think bout that situation is that, there just are good pepole on the world, same as bad pepole.
There is also other way to explain it.
Miracles exist This game is like 'roulete', You never know, where the ball will stay.. on red, or green, or on black... There are 5 types of persons, You can meet in game.
1. Scammer - awful creature made for purpose of making You pain.. Yknow where.
2. Good player - Someone, who isn't Your friend, but he isn't a scammer, and he can help You in unexpectable while
3. True friend - player, or person, who You know well, and trust to.
4. Noooooooooooob - Person who is 'new' and playing on lowest standards.. Beg for gold, and insult peps.. This is like a stone, none can tell him to change his person. He knows better that he is bestest in game
5. The fake friend - these are worst, They came, earned Your trust, and, while You was unexpecting such reaction, they hit Your heart with dagger.
I think, You were talking about 5th type of persons, I suppose none can greatly avoid them.. Even in real life..
There were accidents about such fake rl persons They earned trust, and then, killed.
Ofc, the + is, they can't kill You in game.
But they are the most dangerous type of players for sure.
I wish none of us meet those guys never, ever.
My conclusion is, the 'darkness', and all awful features of pepole, made good line of defence in this game,
Through their professional, or trivial scams, they are 'unstopabble', cause 'tos' doesn't accept such scams in trades, or gifts.
One thing we should do, is to be prepared for everything, but still being natural, and stay as we were.
We can't count on pepole such as Beel, ofc this wasn't sarcasm, baa, this wasnt anything bad towards You Beel, I wanted to admit, None can do such heroic thing, like giving back the myth worth 12m..
Not everyone have pure heart.
And not everyone have good intentions.
This thing, should reinforce us in our bond with true friends, not fake ones.
I'm really glad to see a lot of players like Jon, Emma and Dead who share the same vision. Having friends you can trust in this game is truly wonderful. I'm sorry if my post seems "Cheesy", no pun intended (just finished watching LOST for the 3rd time, so I'm a bit emotional :/)
Too bad we're not friends in-game, but I believe STs should really listen to what you guys are trying to accomplish here.
Sent from under my bed.
I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy saving mode.
We're listening.
Avshow, Deadroth, Emmacheese, Giuewek, GoodSyntax, HBomber, Higuani, inkredible, keikali, Osabevie, Tenetra, Venom, wlsgh15, Zeus
AL: Rare (Rogue)/Common (Warrior)/Mythic (Sorcerer)
I cant agree more with all of this, this ap just making trouples, if u help ur friends ur in dangour of getting scammed and if u ignore them ur in dengour of being hated.
Alot of people would think like (id rather have good friends than 100m) is just crap, well it isnt, i changed my name after building huge repetation and guess what after 3 days i changed back to my old name, cause most my friends didnt knew me and it actually sucked, alot.
I think only 10 in this game got this ap by themselves the rest just shared money or borrowed, and as i recall borrowing is something sts dont agree with. Why then made this ap? Its just impossable for many people to get this ap, doing elusive 4 ap is hard, or finding child play ap in arena, but this ap is just impossable and brought so many trouples to this game.
FYI : this thread been made and supported by people allready has the ap. Imagine that
Yeah I totally get what your saying. I do think that beel is an exception though. He's a blogger, a sig artist and lots of other things. Whilst I don't know him personally I know lots that do and he really does have far too much to lose.
But yes..... You really just don't know with some people.
Ign: Ice / Scar ~ Guild <Karma>
it is a ridiculus ap at this time, maybe good for future,but at least not now.Let's do a simply math, suppose someone can farm constantly 0.5million a day without breaks, he need 200days that
is 7months to get this ap by soloing. Suppose someone spend USD to purchase plats converting to gold, 100m gold=0.1m plats=100kplats=60*90$=5400$.
That is the way someone can get this ap by soloing.
I suggest a vote, and lets see how many players would agree or disagree keeping this ap.