As Halloween has come to a close, I'd like to reflect on a few things as well as make some suggestions for the upcoming Christmas event. I have specifically entitled this thread "Three Suggestions to Make Christmas Unforgettable" because I believe that if my suggestions are followed through, there will be substantially less complaining this year, and much more rejoicing. I believe these suggestions will make those of us who participate in the Christmas event this year look back at it afterwards with fond memory.
Before I present my suggestions however, I'd like to make some reflections about the recent Halloween event. I have heard a vast number of opinions from a large amount of people who I've talked with. While all of the opinions differed and some felt more strongly than others, I believe it is fairly safe to boil down everyone's opinions down to two conclusions.
The first conclusion is that the plat packs should have been released! I realize many people get upset by the luck based ideas in the plat packs. However, these people need to realize that what they do with their plat/money is their business. Lots of people love the packs. Just because a select few don't, doesn't mean STG should remove them altogether. The biggest reason they should have released them is because people like to have something to take with them from a special event. In fact, that's the only reason I (and money others) participated in Halloween at all. We were hoping for some cool, unique vanity. We ended up with a different colored demon helm and the same candy bags from the previous years. That brings me to my next conclusion.
The second conclusion is that not everything should be reused! STG, I believe I speak for most everyone when I say that we don't care if every single thing is brand new. We just want to see some creativity. One thing I was very excited to see this year was the release of the new bone armors. Granted, they aren't my favorite, but hey, I like it! New stats, which means new variability in builds, as well some added diversity in the looks of characters goes a long way. And all you did was reuse some bone armor and change the stats. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to break your back going all out. You just gotta be a little creative and give us something that's worth getting. (Or, shoot, just get on the forums and see all the creative suggestions others in the player base have offered)
I'd like to briefly add a third conclusion that I came to, myself. That is that it is really very nice to have an event that does not demand our platinum. I got a bunch of free stuff and fun. I almost felt like I should have had to give you guys something.
Ok, so what does this have to do with the upcoming Christmas event and my suggestions? Well, assuming we don't want to repeat the mistakes made at Halloween, I believe my suggestions will help out both conclusions a ton (And even the third conclusion I added.)
To start off, give us plat packs! If people dislike the luck, then remove the luck, not the packs. Make the packs with the unique vanities cost more plat. Do something like that, but don't remove the vanities altogether! They don't have to be brand new and crazy amazing, but at least release them. I'm sure there are a lot of people who have been waiting around for the plat packs all year and to not get them would honestly blow. There goes the Christmas spirit right? Hope shattered...
Ok this next idea is my favorite. At Halloween we saw new armor, but lost the weapons. I believe that was a mistake. Keep the weapons this year for Christmas, but give us lootable, holiday vanity armor instead! Hold up. Remember what I said about it not having to be crazy or amazing? It really doesn't. I have three different vanity armor suggestions which are ALL reused, but I believe would be fantastic as a lootable vanity. Bear in mind that we already have vanity versions of the level 50 and 55 sets. Why not add various other vanities?
Red and green for Christmas, right? Behold "Darkwood vanity armor":
And how about "Rudolph's Sweater"?:
Finally, what ever happened to festive festival leather? STG, do you remember what you did with the candy bags? They used to be an actual shield, but you converted them to vanity. Do the same here. Boom! Brand new freakin' awesome Christmas vanity!:
Remember, people want to take something with them from special holiday events. These three vanities as well as a chance to loot more Christmas weapons would definitely do it for me. I don't know about you guys...
What is my third suggestion? I want to address this one a little bit less light-heatedly. STG, if you are not going to listen to either of my other two suggestions, I beg you, please listen to this one. I don't say this out of selfishness, either. I say this out of care for you guys as well as our community.
Please, please, please, do not make this year's event be pay per run. That literally destroys the whole spirit of Christmas. I know you need money, I really do. But I'm not asking for us not to pay. (Refer to my plat pack idea as well) I certainly wouldn't mind a one-time payment of something like 10 plat. However, making it pay per run is just horrible. It's like every time I want to have fun, I'm reminded it's going to cost me. If I do pay for a few runs, I feel cheated. It almost leaves a sour feeling in my stomach, to be honest. So again, I say this out of care, don't upset everyone by trying to make money. Make it easily accessible for everyone with and without money for platinum.
In conclusion, I believe that these three ideas will make this Christmas amazing. The big thing people like is limitless holiday fun mixed with a few take aways to be used throughout the year. Certainly people will complain as they always do, but the majority of us will be very pleased. I can almost guarantee that.
Thanks for taking to time to check out this thread! Let me know what you think of my ideas! Do you disagree? Agree? Have more suggestions? Post in the comments...
Peace out