Quote Originally Posted by Htiek View Post
ty Nightarcher, give me a brainstorm
yeah, i know how its work for 150 eq rift helm
actually base can be 115
seems have strang formula between loadout and respec
once u can eq the 4pcs rift/void/cosmos gear, then u respec, lets say base 125 with gear is 169, -11 dex/int/str to 158
then u still eq the rift/void/cosmos gear, and u loadout and loadback, still can use the gear with 147/148 (base 115)
but the min. req for 2h still is 125 base

and u want dual with base 115, then u need respec 2 times...(maybe 1 time enough, i need try)
the result u saved 22 points for others states
and u no longer can eq any 2h weapon

and the lvl5 dualtwink, is it dual on lvl2 wand/eye & lv2 wing/dagger or lv2 2h sword?
Wouldn't you rather then use those stat points in either of your dual stats that you wish to focus on?

IMO, if I save 22 but have to equip stuff manually and need more load outs (for now at 1.5), I'd rather spend some of those 22 points to put them on the stats so I can just quickly switch between sets rather than do manual equipping.

Of course if you plan to use only one set and you don't need to switch between them, you can put those 22 points in good use by boosting your primary dual stat, which is quite an amount saved up.