Quote Originally Posted by rangepwnsmeel View Post
Ok so in this guide, I will not be giving out combos but rather telling you strategies on how to beat each class. This is for level 50 pvp MAIN PVP CLASSES (the main classes you will see in pvp)

Paladins(these are enchantresses wearing str gear): OK these babies are like a fire, you want to put them out as fast as you can. You need to nuke them out with everything you get before the heal. Yes it can be done I have tried and succeeded.

Warbirds: These little stick figures may not look very intimidating but they can tank like a bear, if not better. They also can nuke out a single target like a truck. They normally wear a rift set and are hard to kill. You want to kite them and use defensive measures first.

Enchantress: These guys are pretty darn easy if you time it right, If they have a mana shield, remove it by a certain arrow(won't tell you which), and then destroy them with your other arrows. If you are a bear your best bet is to keep them stunned and drain their mana. Paladins: You guys can beat them blindfolded (no guide for you)

Dexchantress: These babies Nuke like no other, you want to take them out fast and hard. Thats my best advice to you

Pure Dex: These hurt but you can normally kill them in 2 or 3 hits if you time your debuffs and offensive moves correctly. Try and keep them stunned or out dps them if you are another bird.

Str Bear: These babies you just kite, they die pretty easy, unless you are SUICIDEKINGS, which is a great bear to fight against. Very hard to win. Just keep them at a distance and do damage, and you should be good.
i dont know about the pallies vs dex bird range,. maybe the pallies you fight are the noobies on being a pally,.. cause all the pallies i fight has names and highly skilled!! and whatever i do i couldnt win,... i won to a pally to those have no names in pvp yet,. but try ladylove, residentevil lets see whats the score