Quote Originally Posted by Int View Post
See if u had an armor with 100 hp but -50 armor, u would take an extra 50 dmg more PER attack. So without the reduction you could've blocked 50 damage per attack which is more effective than 100 hp
I do not think this is correct. Health does not equal armor. Armor protection is calculated by a formula that supposedly gives dimishing returns the higher the armor value (at least from what I've read). For example, if 800 armor provides 22% protection, 900 might provide 30%, a 1000 might provide 35%, 1100 might provide 37%, etc. Those are not the exact numbers but illustrate the point.

For your question, if you have low armor, then 50 armor might be worth more than 100 health. If you have high armor, then 100 health might be worth more than 50 armor.