Quote Originally Posted by kamikazees View Post
In general, I do not think so. If crits only add 25% damage, then 5% crit effectively adds only 1.25% more damage overall. Even a 50% crit only adds 2.5% damage overall. Thus, taking 5/5 passive crit skill points is generally not as good as 5/5 damage, or 5/5 anything else really.

The thing I am not sure about is the skills that give "increased damage on a critical hit". Aimed shot and frost bolt, for example. How much "increased damage" is it? If it causes the crit to do 200% damage, well, then we're talking. Unfortunately, I do not know.
Already try passive 5/5 damage, and i feel quicker kill boss using 5/5 crit with lightning skill.... cmiiw.. I sometimes get lightning crit more than 1k