Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
If we take it small and go step by step with things that are just number changes, sure that is do-able. If you want to take big swings that involve reworking client and server functionality, then you are looking at man weeks or months of work.

As for the design of new content, that is easy. You or I can kick out ideas that write themselves (A dark knight has raised an army of rabid wolves and trolls and seeks to overthrow Alterra!) It is the actual implementation of that content that is pretty laborous. It is not procedurally generated. It is all hand crafted. New art is also a big chunk of work.

But back to balance, it is something we can keep poking at, especially if we can keep the scope measured and not sweeping.

Good discussion guys, lets keep it friendly and focused and we can get to some good action items that we can turn around.
Thank you for clarifying, but if number changes are easy, why hasn't endgame been fixed yet? Imxoriginal and Whoisthis have already came up with better replacement Stats. Also, Rhinos and Foxes are still a tad bit under powered and need a few minor adjustments.