So I've been seeing a lot of people on the forums and in game; making their own interpretations off of Samhaynes' recent post. Most of it is just random BS that has no evidence backing their statements. What I took away from his post (Keep in mind I have a 3.6 GPA, and I was trained to build and dispose the world's most lethal weapons while i was in the military.) is that there will be no new cap in the near future. Nowhere in his post does it say that STG has given up on PL, that they don't love PL anymore, and that the end of PL is near, etc. Please put all that nonsense to rest. With that being said; let me dumb it down for some of you:
So here are your options as I can see:
1)Quit your complaining and continue to farm/merch/lvl
2) Go outside and enjoy the REAL world.
Sorry for the disgruntled tone in my post, but please stop whining and complaining like little girls, it won't fix anything.