Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
We'll be tweaking the filters a bit. This remains game that many children play. Draconian is a strong word, but please realize that we will strongly protect our little corner of the world.
Well, I appreciate you wanting to clean things up. Generally, I don't use much in the way of off-color language. However, draconian is the word to use when you get a warning for, "When you finish the toy factory, you get like 4 different quest choices." That's a direct quote and I have a screen shot. I've looked and I can't see any letters that run together to form any naughty words. I've even tried anagramming it and no luck. And Les, it was for "stupid" that I got one warning. For some reason, I never use the word "dumb". Probably just as well now. The more profane four-letter words are pretty apparent. Any chance of a list of the less-apparent words so I don't have to experiment and risk another time-out? Heck? Shucks? Dadgummit?

And Devs? If "crap" is a naughty word, you'd better see about changing the description of the bird flame armor--I would assume "kick-***" would be naughty, too.