Some guilds have entry requirements in order to screen for the kind of members they want, more than for ranking.

For example, Pheonix has no minuimum ap or specific k/d requirement, but we do require characters to meet minimum stats before becoming members. This is to ensure that the people joining have an elite mindset, aren't just in the game to loiter and cause drama out of boredom, and have enough knowledge of the game to function as an individual. It also filters out (most) people who beg for money, gear, help with daily quests etc..

We decided ages ago that we no longer wanted to be a massive guild of 3000 that was full of inactives, spam invites and "plsssss hlp", where you couldn't ask for an elite party on guild chat because half the people still died in normal maps. We chose to restructure into a guild where you can call on any member for a party and know without hesitation that they are capable of running any elite without leeching or being dead half the time. A guild where everyone actually knows each other and is enthusiastic about reaching goals together.

The guild leaderboard provides us with goals to aim for as a team, but in our case it is not about reaching #1, it's about seeing our improvement week by week and becoming a better group of players overall. Some people prefer a smaller community rather than having guild chat sound like Kraag.

Just because a guild is top 5, 10, or 500 and has entry requirements does not mean the leaderboard is the reason. The top guild list has added immeasurable entertainment, excitement and drive to the community as a whole. Just because a few people are obsessed does not mean one can generalize about others.