My humas life didn't last long, in fact it was relatively short. After only 19 years of human life I was turn into a vampire.

Chapter 1- the Beginning-

I'm Treo' born 1864, Nashville Tennessee. My family owned a small village in the forests. One night my cottage along with the whole village was attacked by a pack of wolves. They tore apart the whole village killing everyone except me, I escaped. Living in the woods I learned how the evade people and animals at and young age, a skill that got better as I got older. I hid and only after I was certain they were gone I made my was back to my cottage, finding that my entire family had been torn apart. My mom, dad, older brother and sister. Devastated, I cried for hours. I guess my survival instincts kicked in because I managed to pull myself together and pack a bag with some of my belongs, i decided I was going to leave at night fall. The sun had set and I was about to head out when my door slammed open and something rushed in within a blink of an eye. I heard a voice behind me say what happed here, I turned around to see a pale man about 6'0. Frozen with fear he asked me again, this time staring straight into my eyes. The words just started coming out of my mouth saying 'a pack of wolves attacked my village the other night and killed my entire family and that I was the only survivor. His eye concentration broke and it seem like I snapped out of a trance. Still frighten I asked him what he was... He answered saying that he was a vampire. Of course I didn't believe at first..less frightened, knowing he wasn't going to harm me because he could have if he wanted. I asked him to prove it. Next thing I know he was in my face, eyes changed and fangs elongated. He explained that he was a 3 century old vampire and he was hunting that pack of 'wolves' which he explained that they were really werewolves. I was in shock that not only 1 but at least 2 supernatural creatures existed. He asked me how i escaped, and I told him that I sensed that I was in danger and managed to escape the wolves and hid long until they were gone. He seemed very impressed and asked if I wanted to become a vampire to avenge my family. I had nothing to lose with my family being slaughtered the other night, i said yes. He told me that vampires and werewolves had been at war for over 5 centuries. Before he began the transformation process he explained that he wouldn't be there to help me as a new vampire, that he was a nomad and he traveled alone. He told me about all the powers that would come once changed. Superhuman strength and speed,Highted senses, mind control. He also told me blood would be all that I would think about for some time after turned. The last thing I remember before he bit into my neck was that he said avoid the sun at all time. If exposed too long almost certain death.