Quote Originally Posted by Zergzerg View Post
Thats so wrong.
It is the server! Sts have way more data and players than the server can handle.
I have the same issue on a new clean account with zero friends. So stop second guessing. I know for a fact 100% that when I get very high ping spikes which happen anywhere doing anything. I ask the group and all of them say the exact same thing.
Everyone says they are lagging.
It cant be our side if the whole group us lagging! Sts need to fix this! Its absolutely lame every time we spend our pots during a boss it lags and everyone dies and our pots and gold spent wasted! Stop denying and start doing something. If 100 people in a row I ask agree in game when I ask if they are lagging when im lagging then its impossible to be my end!... example: wow im lag my ping flying! ....me too...yes me same...yes I am lagging...damn me too...this is what happens every time...its never just me lagging and rest of party not..so FIX IT ALREADY! its costing us gold. And then after fixing it compensate everyone for putting up with it so long and wasting thier gold time and effort. And frustrating deaths in pvp where they are frozen in lag and dead...!!!
Mad? Or nawt