Quote Originally Posted by Cutelilkitten View Post
An update be made that places a guild bulletin tab be incorporated into the game content.

The concept for this is that guild officers and masters will have the ability to post guild news, rules, and events that all members will be able to see within the game.


1. information can be passed without players having to visit websites or waiting for guild officers to be present.

2. Guild masters and officers won't have to needlessly repeat themselves regarding rules, news, and events. This will free time to actually manage unruly members quickly and much more effectively.


1. Requires a major content update that may have bugs associated with it initially

Let me know what you think

This has been suggested a few times now....even though my hope is fading......I would <3 to see this implemented.
Note to STS: you could charge the GM plat to install it in their Guild Hall. Charge us whatever you need to fund the person's time to do it for us....I know I would gladly spend the plat for it.