Here is the original stats:

Going back to the original stats isn't going to make any difference on the price. Singe only lost -5 STR, -5 DEX & -5 INT. You are telling me if they add these stats back then he doubles in value and suddenly becomes OP? The only class which Singe is really good for is warriors. For every other class there is some down side. Specifically the lacking of crit, panic and health/mana regen. You give up Samael you lose 10% crit for me thats huge. So if going back to the original stats is going to make people happy then I'm for that but it won't change anything in terms of price and demand. Also I hope they nerf Samael's banish. Too many people abuse this in PvE and this may be the one thing which may cause Singe's price to go up.