Quote Originally Posted by XghostzX:1570493
I wouldn't use a rhino/fox for end game ctf. Lately more than ever they're extremely frowned upon due to their insane abilities to "fly" or "jump" straight across the map... Rhinos/foxes will usually get booted or asked to leave. If Crimsontider was still here he would've argued that rhinos/foxes should be and are fair for ctf.

Just a thought!
Not trying to brag, but standing up for rhinos is more of my job
Crims all about bears though, ask him a legit question about bear and he'll give you a legit answer ;p
@fourleaf: My friend said that 66 rhino can kill anything except rlly good bears, and he's tried it so I believe him (Ses Trenton, I sometime believe you ) especially since at those higher lvls, the str sets dmg are pretty good.
And the fact that there is lvl 9 skills.