Bang Bang I shot you down
Bang Bang you hit the ground
Bang Bang that awful sound
Bang Bang I used to shoot you down -Nancy Sinatra
events r for one time but balance is forever.
Peoples wouldn't stay the game hoping someday some events gonna come.
but ppls gonna leave if pvp stayed like this.
@Bglir thanks a lot!
@troncaat oh, I see. I also heard that the savage bear set is too strong, but I don't really find it that strong. Maybe it's because of my stats and build? I am a level 76 bear with savage, how should I max out my skills and abilities and builds?
Max all your buffs. Except I put my taunt at 8.
Max hellscream
8-9 crushing blow
4-5 beckon
6-8 stomp
6-9 SMS
Rest put your slashes where ya want them.
And I use 1 heal for the +5 regen
Edit: my usual build is
9 iron
9 rage
9 evade
8 taunt
9 hellscream
8 crushing blow
4 beckon
6 stomp
1 heal
2 crippling
1 the other slash
Last edited by Cavoc; 04-16-2014 at 06:01 PM.
@ Impact - Exactly my point - no one asked for certain nerfs but they happened anyway. Who's to say same won't happen again? Moral of the story is: Be careful what you wish for, you may get more than you expected.
@ Skeletonlord - i can give you my skill set for pure pve. Any points in taunt other than 1 to get the skill are wasted. A level 1 taunt works just as well as level 9 for attracting enemies, and you have enough health to absorb the hits so why bother dodging them? If you plan to pvp you'll want more points in taunt, evade, and/or iron blood - one of the pro pvpers round here would know far more bout it than me lol
Anyway, pure pve this skill set works great in bsm even at lvl 68 wearing humania gear:
All slashes 9 (Vengeful, Crippling, Super Mega)
Stomp 9
Rage 9
Taunt 1
Crushing Blow 9
Restore 0
Iron Blood 2
Hell Scream 9
Evade 0
Beckon 9
Hope this helps you
such pros
Events are fun for a week. Caps are fun for 3 months. PVP will be fun for a loooonnnnngggg time if it is balanced.
Why would someone want events reused events over a balance? Seems illogic, I'm a bear and PvP is boring because they are op and I would love if it was balanced so I could play every class and have to win with actual skill...
Lmao. I've capped more bears in bsm maps with over 1000 to 1 k/d ratios with and without elixirs than you have capped toons alltogether. That build requires some skill at playing - which I'm certain is why you're mystified by it.
Considering your experience in PVE is likely predominently in the maze (or magic castle before that) I'm not quite sure what makes you think you're qualified to comment at all.
So, thanks for your useless commentary. You've proven the shallow, trolling atmosphere so prevelant in PL now has infected the forum too. And thank you, I'll never recover the 5 min of my life I've wasted on you.
Tyranno, you dont know how others do pve. You dont know if others are skilled at it.
And on that build...9 beckon 9 stomp? Are you serious? I'd understand 9 beckon and a low stomp, but this. That iron blood is way too low.
You say that you're tanky enough to not need the dodge that taunt gives; the dodge that it gives is more than evade itself when it is stacked 2x. 9 beckon and 9 stomp is bad for crowd control, you can use it to bring enemies to a wall and stomp against it, but a lvl 7 beckon and a lvl 3-6 stomp does the same.
Oh, do you want more dmg? Thats many bears do nowadays in PvE, try to dmg instead of tank efficiently. You use the taunt to aggro all, and you'll be hit alot, so the high iron blood and taunt dodge will help, and just group against a wall and stomp and debuff.
Oh, and Dont try to say I'm a mega maze PvE person, I hardly use it, and I do have quite of experience with bear to know how it works.
All for One, and One for All!
The Brightest of Flames..cast the Darkest of Shadows..
One who knows nothing cannot understand anything..