Quote Originally Posted by baktus View Post
Fear. Fear of not being able to cheat your way to pinks is clouding your judgement.
Fear of having to make new chars to get low zone loots.

L50s looting in low level zones were not balanced according to the developers intention. That's why it's cheating.

Fear is a very natural feeling. But you cheaters should know that cheating never benefitted any game. When you grow up, you might understand why the grownups sometimes take away your candy and forces you not to cheat.
huh. It's a game. I keep seeing low levels complaining about high levels ruining the game and high levels complaining about low levels leaching. Just host your own game if you are so worried about what others do... All the safeguard against those evil "not your level" cheaters are there. As far as the in game economy goes it seems healthy to me (low level items being cheaper than high level and all). Personally I do not care who joins my games and will go out of my way to protect a lower level who is obviously working for the XP as hard as he can. Cheers.